Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Technology Class Syllabus

Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
Department of Teaching and Learning,
Teaching Second Language in a Technological Society

Professors:  Mimi Blaber and Ana Coma                                               
Meeting time:  Thursday, 6:45-8:25
Location:  194M 304
Contact Information: and        

Catalog Description:

The purpose of this course is to discuss the use of technology as a tool to enhance language acquisition.  First, we will examine technological literacy. What is it and why should teachers know about it?   We will take part in a needs assessment survey to express our attitudes about using technology in the classroom as well as to uncover our own levels of proficiency.   Next, we review a variety of technology that can be used to support language development.  Our approach shall be that of participant-observer, allowing us to gain experience as we experiment with the technology we examine.


This class will explore how a variety of technological tools including video, multimedia, the Internet, computer assisted, and computer mediated learning may be used to promote and support effective student-centered language acquisition. Pre-service instructors in language learning settings will learn how to use different technologies to provide models of second language use in context, increase comprehensible input, facilitate oral and written production and provide opportunities for authentic interaction. Students will also learn to use varying technological resources for their own professional development.
At the end of the semester students will be able to do the following:
  • Identify and use a minimum of three technology tools (one to be the Internet) relevant to their teaching needs.
  • Identify the skills needed to use technology resources for continuing professional development.
  • Analyze teaching situations where the use of technology is and is not appropriate.
  • Explain the cognitive skills necessary for students as participants in a second language classroom where technology has been integrated to promote second language learning.
  • Evaluate different forms of media, including commercial and non-commercial software, Internet resources, etc.
  • Discuss how pedagogical approaches and theories such as the communicative approach, constructivism, whole language theory and sociocultural theory help to inform us about the usefulness of technology for second language acquisition.

Among the topics will be the following.

1. Using video, you tube,                           
7.  The value of Internet research
2. The tape recorder and digital recording
     a. Providing addresses
a.    Low tech (i.e. dictations)
     b. Evaluating Sites
b.    High tech (i.e. lectures)
     c. Preventing plagiarism
3. Using presentation formats – powerpoint, slideshare and voice thread                                 
8. Common applications
4.  Posting student work: ePortfolio, inquiry projects, digital stories, class projects.     
  1. E-mail
  2. Blogs
5. The power and the future of games
  1. Podcasts
a.    Will games revolutionize the classroom?
  1. MS Publisher
    b.    Review of SIMS/ Second Life                                
  1. Other
6. ESL computer- based instruction packages
9. Word-processing / Process writing
     a. “ESL based” vs. “authentic ” packages
10.  Blackboard


February 3rd     --- Syllabus, survey, evaluation of assignments, group work, google set up account, ice breaker  -

February 10th   – Blogs  and Presentation tools ( powerpoint, slideshare, and voicethread) / bio & photo/ -One-page assignment due

February 17th -- Black board, Moodle, Rcampus, and Authoring tools,

February 24th – Podcasts, Videos, YouTube,

March 3rd th -- Audacity, speech technology, and skype /webex- review for 1st presentation

March 10th  Mini-demo- presentation ---3 minutes each/ one page handout—level/ pre-activity and/or follow-up activity

 March 17th Spring Recess  


March 24th t-- Midterm – short answer based on class work and readings-  ESL versus Authentic materials and how to evaluate a website

March 31st    -   Comic strip- Thematic Unit groups set up and meeting 10 websites described (50-75 words each) and Critical Review due 

April 7th  --  MS publisher, web quest – inquiry projects

April 14th   -- 2nd Mini demo- lesson 3 minutes each/ one page handout—  level/ pre-activity and/or follow-up activity

April 21st  – Digital Stories  

 April 28th  ePortfolio, and – Games (SIMS and Second Life)

May 5th     -- Presentations of Thematic Units Groups –20 minutes each – handout-  5 one-hour lesson plans, plus demo lesson plan

May 12th   --Exam Day In-class written final short answer based on class work and readings.


Participation, Blog and online journal 20%

Value of group work 4%
Demonstration lessons, 16%
Critical review/evaluation of websites or multimedia tool 10%
Webquest 20%
Midterm 15%
Final 15% 

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